Hawkesbury People & Places This school was once located on land near Bakers Lagoon at one time being part of Endeavour Farm and now described as 582 Cornwallis Road, Cornwallis New South Wales. Cornwallis Public School opened as a Provisional School from January 1886 and continued as a Public School from July 1886 until closure in March 1896. Some of the building material from Cornwallis was used in the construction of Ebenezer Public School (see book by Grace Douglass on the Cornwallis School available from Hawkesbury Library Service Windsor NSW www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/library). ‘Mr E Mellish has the contract for removing the Cornwallis Public School building to Ebenezer for £98 5 shillings’. Administrative File [5/15535.2] Cornwallis Public School held at State Archives and Records NSW O’Connell Street Kingswood NSW - www.records.nsw.gov.au Please make your comment below. PLEASE NOTE that comments are moderated and only relevant comments will be publishedHawkesbury People & Places
Cornwallis Public School
Reference: p 55
Reference: 11 January 1902, p 3
Reference: School file for Cornwallis
Location of Cornwallis Public School
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