Road located in Ebenezer, NSW leading from Tizzana Road to Ebenezer Church, thence in a northerly direction along the bank of the Hawkesbury River. The road was officially named by Colo Shire Council in 1954.
‘COROMANDEL ROAD’ SUGGESTION. A SUGGESTION that the road leading to Ebenezer Church be named ‘Coromandel Road’ was received by Colo Shire Council at its February meeting. In forwarding the suggestion, the church committee pointed out that this was the name of the ship which brought out the first settlers to Ebenezer. The church was the first in Australia erected by voluntary subscription, and was now the oldest in Australia. The letter also asked that the council erect direction signs to the church from the Sackville and Tizzana Road turnoffs, adding that the committee was prepared to contribute towards the cost. Regarding the first suggestion, Cr. Watkins pointed out that only about 50 yards of the road was under the council’s control, and the President (Cr. H. C. Matheson) agreed that the council could name only that section, if it agreed to the request. As the Sackville Road was under the direction of the Department of Main Roads, it was decided that a sign be erected by the council on the turnoff from the Tizzana Road only.
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