This building is located at 495 East Kurrajong Road, East Kurrajong, New South Wales. The land is described as Vol 11264 Fol 45, Lot A in Miscellaneous Plan of Subdivision 86764 Colo Shire Council, Parish of Currency, County of Cook.
East Kurrajong Methodist Church was moved from its original site in Longleat Lane (now road) Kurmond in late 1954 and was officially opened on 23 April 1955. The 1,000 square metre block of land was donated by Mrs Cribb who performed the ceremony of opening the door.
The church was still listed in the Synod Directory of 1990 but not in the 1991 edition. The property was sold by the Uniting Church in about 1991 and is now a private home. The church hall which also occupied the site has been removed, date unknown.
Read more about the history of this building:
Kurmond and EK Methodist Church.pdf
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