Hawkesbury People & Places Kurrajong East Public School was established as a provisional school at Buttsworth Swamp opening in March 1878. The school moved up to Bull Ridge in February 1891. In October 1899 the school was renamed Morgan Hills Public School in honour of the local Member of Parliament, William Morgan. The name reverted to Bull Ridge from September 1901 until January 1922 when it was renamed East Kurrajong Public School. Sometime after this date the school was renamed Kurrajong East in keeping with the naming conventions of the New South Wales Department of Education. This list was compiled by teacher Mr Francis Robinson in the week after the school burnt down destroying enrolment records. Permanent Pupils: Eileen Mitchell, Allan Mitchell, Iris Mitchell, Nathan Mitchell, Reggie Mitchell, Reggie Tierney, Edna Forster, Daisy Forster, Keith Forster, Colin Forster, Edmund Forster, Fern Case, Doreen Buttsworth, Austin Buttsworth, Merle Case, Edith Klein, Eric Wade, Ina Wade, Athol Cartwright, Royal Cartwright, Leslie Whalan, Enid Whalan, Gwen Whalan, Olga Whalan, Kenneth Whalan, Thelma Herbert, Fred Herbert, Will Packer, Hazel Packer, Olga Packer, Gladys Packer, Ivy Case, Myrtle Case, Matthew Hall, Harold Hall, Beres Hall, Nellie Packer, Leslie Packer, Lillie Case, Cera Case, Jennie Peck. Joyce Bottle and Irene London were visitors to the district and would be attending the school for a short time. Please make your comment below. PLEASE NOTE that comments are moderated and only relevant comments will be publishedHawkesbury People & Places
East Kurrajong Public School
Reference: p 91
Enrolments in 1928
Timeline Kurrajong East Public School.pdf
Kurrajong East Public School ~ Timeline
Year Events 1876 Application for provisional school at Buttsworth Swamp signed by local residents – 22 pupils from 7 families were pledged to attend the school. 1878 Buttsworth Swamp Provisional School opened with first teacher Miss Jane Taylor. Slab building measuring 20 feet by 12 feet served the dual purpose of schoolroom on weekdays and Wesleyan Church on Sundays. Furniture from the old Freeman’s Reach school. 1890 Petition by local residents to re-site the school to Bull Ridge due to population growth along the ridge. 1891 Provisional school opened on Bull Ridge. 1898 School upgraded from provisional to public school status. 1899 School renamed Morgan Public School in honour of the local Member of Parliament, William Morgan. 1901 Name of school reverted to Bull Ridge Public School. 1907 Schoolroom extended 11 feet by local builder Alfred Case. 1913 Workbench supplied by department for the instruction of boys in carpentry. 1922 Name of school changed to East Kurrajong Public School, now known as Kurrajong East according to departmental conventions. 1928 School building destroyed by fire on 25 January 1928. Lessons were conducted by teacher Mr Francis Robinson in the teacher’s residence until the new building was completed. 1929 New building ready for use at the beginning of the school year. Cost of construction £493. 1930 A severe hailstorm in December 1930 broke panes of glass in the schoolroom and residence. 1935 Average attendance 10 pupils due to poor economic circumstances of the parents as a result of the Great Depression. Children were needed at home for farm work. 1938 Colo Shire Council Sanitary Inspectors assessed the cess pits at the school and deemed that they posed a serious heath risk. 1938 Department inspector commented on the lovely school garden which included an outline map of Australia showing features such as railways. 1942 An air raid shelter was constructed by the teacher, Mr Fred Lett and some of the parents in case of enemy attack. The hole quickly filled with water. 1950 Electricity connected to the school by June 1950. A ‘wireless’ radio enabled pupils to listen to school programmes provided by the Australian Broadcasting Commission. Electric lights replaced kerosene lamps. 1957 School closed in March due to low numbers. 1958 Re-opened May 1958 with George Veicherts as Teacher-in-Charge. 1963 Telephone connected to the school. Prior to this time the telephone at the Gosper’s across the road from the school was used in an emergency. 1970s School uniforms introduced for the first time. 1975 First demountable classroom installed at school. 1978 School reclassified to 3rd Class school which resulted in the appointment of the first Principal John Burlison. School Centenary – 59 pupils. School badge designed by Phillip Wholohan. 1978 Building extended to provide additional classroom and loft, school also included one demountable building and brick toilet block – 48 pupils. 1980 Demountable accommodation provided by department which included principal’s office, library, clerical assistant’s office, storeroom, staff toilets and staffroom. 1987 Corporal punishment abolished from 1st January. 1993 Opening of multi-purpose court on 6 November 1993 which was available for hire to local people. 2002 151 pupils attending from 100 families. 2003 125th Anniversary celebrations held in March. 2004 Construction of permanent brick building housing two classrooms, new demountable accommodation for office and library provided by department. Location of East Kurrajong Public School
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