Located at 1090 East Kurrajong Road, East Kurrajong NSW. East Kurrajong School of Arts continues to be operated by a committee drawn from the local community.
BOOKINGS FOR THE HIRE OF THIS HALL CANNOT BE MADE THROUGH HAWKESBURY PEOPLE AND PLACES To make bookings for this public hall please go to the website: http://www.eastkurrajonghall.com/contacts__info_links.html or email info@eastkurrajonghall.com
The School of Arts was officially opened on Anniversary Day 1924. The occasion was marked by a successful day of sports. The total takings for the day amounted to over £93, which provided sufficient funds to pay off the outstanding debt (Windsor and Richmond Gazette, 5 February 1924). The School of Arts Committee continued their fund raising efforts and apart from the annual sports day also held concerts and dances. Funds were raised for the continuing maintenance of the building and for the provision of a piano, stage and supper room. The stage was added and a piano purchased in 1925, the supper-room being added in 1926. This was a remarkable effort considering the building had only been opened in 1924.
State Archives and Records of NSW at Kingswood (www.records.nsw.gov.au) hold files for East Kurrajong School of Arts covering the period from 1/1/1977 to 31/12/1990 (Series 15318 Item 80/0241) and 1/1/1923 to 31/12/1976 ( Series 15318 Item 1734).
1889 September 10 - Camping and Watering Reserve set aside by NSW government for the use of travelling stock along the Bull Ridge.
1903 Land reserved for School of Arts at Bull Ridge notified in the Government Gazette - 4 July 1903 - Portion 126, Parish of Meehan, County of Cook.
1913 January – Tea meeting held at Stanley Park. A portion of the proceeds going towards the School of Arts Building fund.
1917 June – Sports day held, races etc, many visitors.
1922 January 26 - Sports Day held Stanley Park, concerted effort to raise funds to build a School of Arts. Sum of £163 was raised.
1923 March – Tenders called for the construction of the building. August – Building materials all purchased locally. November – Foundation stone was laid by Mrs R W Buttsworth.
1924 January 26 - Official opening held during the annual sports on Anniversary Day. Takings of £93. Licence fee £1 per annum.
1925 Grand piano purchased and stage added to interior.
1926 March - Supper room added to the Stanley Park side of building. April – First euchre (cards) party and dance held by committee. May – New lighting system switched on by Mr R H Buttsworth.
1930 Hall used for regular dances and social functions.
1941 School of Arts disused during World War II.
1945 School of Arts Committee reformed – venue for welcome home for local returned soldiers.
1948 Plaque installed in memory of Mr L Packer who was president of the committee when the School of Arts was built.
1954 Hall used irregularly.
1957 March - Annual General Meeting held and Mrs Vera Wade was the Hon Secretary.
1959 Licence allowed a maximum capacity of 150 persons.
1966 Licence fee $2.00 per annum.
1969 Renovations and repairs including a stage area added to the rear of building. New toilets and septic system constructed.
1973 November - Golden Jubilee Ball held, President Mrs Vera Wade.
2000 September - Refurbishment of building, luncheon held with official guests.
2021 East Kurrajong School of Arts continues to be used by the community for meetings, functions and other social occasions.
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