Located at the mouth of the Colo River where it enters the Hawkesbury.
A LOCAL JAM FACTORY The Hawkesbury Preserving & Agency Co.
The Provisional Directors of the above Company met for the first time at Mr P. Kemp’s, Mouth of Colo, on Monday, 26th instant. The proposed site for the factory was inspected and approved. The land is a square block containing two acres, and the site for the buildings is well above any known flood-mark. The frontage to the river has a depth of at least 14ft. of water. The following resolutions were considered and passed:
1st. That it is expedient that we have a local Company to deal with the produce of the Hawkesbury farmers and orchardists.
2nd. That the name of the Company be the Hawkesbury Preserving and Agency Company, Limited.
3rd. That the Company be registered as a Limited Liability Company, with a capital of £1500, divided into 1500 shares of £1 each, payable 5/- per share deposit and 2/6 per share per month, until the shares be fully paid up.
4th. That the Factory and registered Office of the Company shall be at the Mouth of the Colo River.
5th. That the objects for which this Company is formed shall be the preserving by drying, tinning, and jam-making, or other means, of fruit, vegetables, and other produce, and the sale thereof, whether green or preserved.
Mr. T. Jackson Bennett proposed, and Mr. R. Lowe seconded, that consideration of clauses 7,8,9 be postponed. Carried.
It was then arranged that the Board meet again at Mr. P. Kemp junr’s, on Monday, 3rd July, at 1 p.m.
After passing a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. P. Kemp for presiding, the meeting was closed.
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