Initially known as the River Bank Reserve, Howe Park is located along the southern bank of the Hawkesbury River at Windsor, New South Wales. It was Dedicated for Public Recreation on the 10 July 1959 when the name was officially changed to Howe Park.
The park was named by Windsor Municipal Council (now Hawkesbury City Council) following a suggestion by the newly formed Hawkesbury Historical Society for John Howe who arrived in the colony of NSW in June 1802 aboard the Coromandel. He succeeded Andrew Thompson as Magistrate at Windsor in 1811 and also served as Chief Constable and Coroner during the years 1813 to 1828.
Howe worked on the construction of a wharf at Windsor and built a toll bridge over South Creek in 1813. He also undertook several exploratory expeditions to find an inland route to the Hunter Valley during the years 1819/20 which resulted in the construction of the Bulga Road.
Read more about John Howe
A reserve on the southern side of Hawkesbury River between that river and The Terrace, Windsor. Located about 1 km NE of Windsor Railway Station.
Read about the Great River Walk and Windsor Foreshore Parks Draft Plan of Management
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