Hawkesbury People & Places The Municipalities Act passed by NSW parliament in 1858 enabled the citizens of towns to petition the state government for the establishment of a local council which had the power to levy rates on freehold property and had the responsibility for the repair of roads and the provision of services. Richmond Borough Council was incorporated in 1872 with George Bowman as the first mayor. The area became a municipality in 1906. In 1913, the stables and other outbuildings of the home Eulabah were purchased by Richmond Municipal Council for use as its chambers. The Windsor and Richmond Gazette reported that: Mr. F. Stevenson is re-modelling the buildings which will make comfortable chambers. The meeting room will be spacious, and in addition there will be the Mayor’s room and the clerk’s office. The work is expected to be completed before the end of the present month. In June 1939, Richmond Council announced its proposal to erect new council chambers and to make alterations to the existing building at the cost of £1500. Funding for the works was by way of a Special Loan which was said to be repaid with very little additional expense to ratepayers. Master builder H J Abbey of Epping, NSW won the tender and the Windsor and Richmond Gazette reported on the 13th of October that the excavations for the foundations were “well in hand”. Council’s Health and Building Inspector, Mr P S Bailey was the overseer of works. Mr Abbey came with good credentials as he had also constructed new chambers for Blacktown Council, the Bank of NSW in Windsor and private homes and factories throughout Sydney. The new building was opened on 13 January 1940. The Windsor and Richmond Gazette published a very detailed report of the day’s events which included a tour of the buildings, afternoon tea multiple toasts and a concert of vocal items which were reportedly enjoyed by all in attendance. Richmond and Windsor Councils amalgamated in1949 forming Windsor Municipal Council. In June 1957 the decision was made to remodel the former Richmond Council Chambers to become the home of Richmond Branch Library, opening in December that year. The building was again refurbished and enlarged in 1980 when Windsor Municipal Council merged with Colo Shire to form Hawkesbury Shire Council. Please make your comment below. PLEASE NOTE that comments are moderated and only relevant comments will be publishedHawkesbury People & Places
Richmond Borough Council
Local government body
Reference: p 43
Cathy McHardy March 2011
Cathy McHardy March 2011
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