A street in Windsor, NSW running in a north-westerly direction from George Street to The Terrace.
WINDSOK PARK (To the Editor) Sir— Would you allow me space in your paper to correct a statement made by “property owner” in the W and R Gazette of 8/7/38, regarding Windsor Park. No member of the McQuade family gave the land for the Windsor Park— nor is it McQuade Park.
Until 1835 the land in question was a Government reserve, with Forbes-street running through to St. Matthew’s Church of England. In the following year it was surveyed and Glebe-street—re-named Tebbutt-street. In 1871—was formed, and the allotments facing Church Green (as it was called in 1836) were sold. In December, 1867 the Church Green, consisting of I8 acres 2 roods, set apart for public recreation, and again dedicated, as 21 acres 1 perch, on May 19 1868.
During the Mayoral term of Mr J. M. McQuade (1872-1874) it was named McQuade Park, but the name was altered, by resolution of the council on 6th March, 1868, to Windsor Park and so it remains. Yours, etc. E. Manning. The Terrace, Windsor, 11/7/38.
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