First match to be held on Saturday 17 November 1900
?50 Open Handicap. Will be shot at the club’s grounds, Windsor, Wednesday 14th August, at 11.30am. ‘Splendid birds’. Honorary secretary: R B Walker, Windsor
Windsor Gun Club is at loggerheards with the NSW Gun Club, but it will be very foolish if it tries to fight the city club. What happened in connection with the recent open handicap is an illustration of the influence and power of the NSWGC, for it prevented 15 Sydney shooters from coming to Windsor under pain of disqualification. It will be to the advantage of the WGC to patch up the trouble, which is only a petty matter after all.
Meeting held at the Royal Hotel, Windsor on Friday 26 October of persons interested in forming a Gun Club. The popular sport of pidgeon shooting to be revived.
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